Anita Sanchez

Sanchez, Tennis & Associates, LLC

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The Re-Emergence of Belonging

Transformational leadership & corporate consultant, Dr. Anita Sanchez, shares the wisdom of the Elders and their message of unbreakable connection in her bestselling book “The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times”

Look around you. Look at your community, your town, your city, state and country. Look at the world itself. Look at our media, our politics, our businesses, our culture. You will see people acting as if they are separate, alone. You will experience people thinking and behaving in ways that cause needless suffering, further division and reckless destruction.

From the living room to the board room, Aztec and Mexican-American author and thought leader Dr. Anita Sanchez is calling on all of humanity to pause, take a breath and remember our unbreakable human bond. In her international bestselling book, “The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times,” Anita invites all of us to open our hearts and receive four gifts from various parts of the world that are more timely than ever.

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Remembering Who We Are

As our thoughts and minds fill to bursting with more reasons to separate from perceived “otherness” all around us in life, at home and at work, Anita asks us to remember that we all come from indigenous ancestry. Each of us, regardless of skin color, can trace back our roots to the earliest of our human ancestors and know that our people once lived close to the land, depending on the earth’s cycles and seasons for their very survival.

From this shared truth, we can begin to imagine ourselves as ONE race: the human race, in all our beautiful presentations. In fact, we can imagine ourselves as one with the earth and all its creatures.

“My uncle from the Osage reservation,” Anita shares, “would draw a circle in the air while saying, ‘To live as a whole human being is to live in balance, understanding our connection to people, to earth and to spirit. To hurt one of these is to hurt all of these. To love one of these is to love all of these.’ This gave me a clear picture of what true abundance is—the intimate interconnection of all life.”

Watch Anita's TedX talk, "Humanity's Hope: Connecting People, Earth and Spirit," on TedX Manhattan Beach, Anita Sanchez.

The Four Sacred Gifts

In her best-selling, international award-winning book, “The Four Sacred Gifts,” Anita recounts the story of The Eagle Hoop Prophecy, based on Mohican Elder Don Coyhis’ dream of a sacred hoop surrounded by eagle feathers. The Elders believe this vision is a sign that the time has come for all peoples to come together as one.

Elders came from all over the globe—including the Americas, Asia, the Arctic and Africa—and held a ceremony in which they offered four gifts they believe are necessary for us all to receive in order to do the sacred work before us of remembering our oneness:

1. The first gift is the power to forgive the unforgivable.
2. The second gift is the power to heal.
3. The third gift is the power of unity.
4. The fourth gift is the power of hope, hope in action.

Divisive Times Require Decisive Action

Wherever you find yourself encountering division, whenever you observe yourself feeling isolated or needing to withdraw from the people or situations around you, Anita invites you to remember there is another way to live, work and be.

It’s time to put down our cell phones.

“We don’t need more information,” says Anita. “We need more wisdom.”

In “The Four Sacred Gifts,” Earth’s Elders share a call to action that asks all of humanity to receive the gifts that have been offered, and to embody them. The re-emergence of vibrant community and the experience of belonging requires acting to forgive the unforgivable, acting to heal, acting in unity and acting to choose hope.

Organizational Impact

Anita brings this message of hope and connectedness together with her doctorate in Organizational Development to support transformational change in organizations that wish to create vibrant cultures and inclusive work environments. In her role as a consultant, trainer and executive coach, Anita has worked with tens of thousands of global leaders and teams to promote positive change in the workplace and the world.

When the world gets divisive, Anita helps companies become inclusive.

“Rather than looking at everything as disparate parts,” Anita says, “I come in and look at the wholeness. I look at the connections. They might be messy connections, but nonetheless, where do they overlap? How are they connected and how are we separating them? I also talk about ‘good medicine.’ Good medicine is anyone or anything that brings alignment
to the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical. Bad medicine is anyone or anything that is tearing that alignment apart.Your role is, in fact, a kind of medicine, your actions, and how you do your job affects others, people in planet.”

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PRESS RELEASE 12/19/18 Best-Selling “Native American Four Agreements” Book Now In Paperback

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